Dress Code
Denison High School, Scott Middle School & B. McDaniel Intermediate
The dress code of the Denison ISD and Denison High School has been established to promote an orderly environment, conducive to appropriate behavior and representative of community standards, while allowing for sufficient comfort and style.
All pupils should observe modesty and neatness in clothing and personal appearance. The following are guidelines to be followed:
Students should wear clothing that doesn’t create a disruption in the classroom or on campus
Clothing shall not have holes or tears
Backless tops or dresses, bare-midriffs, see-through blouses, and strapless clothing are not allowed (example: halter tops, tube tops, short t-shirts, one-strap or strapless shirts and dresses)
No tank tops are allowed for boys
All tops must have at least 1 inch straps for girls
No spaghetti straps allowed (dresses or tops)
No exposed cleavage
All clothing worn by students must be free of slogans advertising tobacco, alcoholic beverages or illegal substances and will not display anything derogatory, controversial or vulgar
T-shirts and sweat shirts must have sleeves
Shorts, skirts and dresses must be no more than 3 inches above the knee. (Must be appropriate when standing, sitting, stooping, and bending with or without tights, leotards, spandex, etc…). Any form fitting pants resembling yoga pants, jeggings, or spandex must be worn with a top that reaches the finger tips when standing and arms relaxed at the side.
No exposed undergarments (undergarments must be worn)
No sagging. Pants must be worn at the natural waist line.
No unnatural hair colors or extreme hair styles (example: spikes, mohawks, or any other inappropriate styles)
Appropriate footwear must be worn (no roller skate shoes or house shoes)
Caps and hats are not allowed in the building
Beards must be clean and neatly trimmed
No body piercing other than in ears. Extreme piercings, even in the ear (spacers, gauges, or other piercings deemed inappropriate) are prohibited.
Non-prescription sunglasses are not allowed in the building
Pajamas are not allowed.
Headphones, earbuds, earphones or other devices intended to listen to audio devices are prohibited.