Counseling at Scott Middle School
Beginning a new school year can be a bit overwhelming for both student and parent. We're here to make the transition to middle school as easy as possible for you and your child. Our job is to assist your child in finding success at SMS. We offer individual counseling, academic counseling, group counseling, and mediation. We also work on schedule changes, STAAR test administration, and community outreach. If you have a question, please don't hesitate to email or telephone so that we an address your concerns.
Counselor Hours
State Assessments
- 7th Grade
- STAAR Math
- STAAR Reading​
- STAAR Alt 2 (Resource students only)
- TELPAS (ELL students only)
- 8th Grade
- STAAR Math
- STAAR Reading
- STAAR Science
- STAAR Social Studies
- STAAR Retest (Math & Reading)
- EOC (Algebra I)
- STAAR Alt 2 (Resource students only)
- TELPAS (ELL students only)
Parental Option For Students
Parental Option For Students The 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session passed Senate Bill (SB) 1697, which amends state law to allow parents and guardians to elect for a student to repeat a grade or retake a high school course, per Texas Education Code (TEC) §28.02124. VIEW THE POLICY
Saving For College In Texas